FlexiPucker 40 is an automatic machine, which improves the output capacity of every dosing line with manual packaging feeding. Due to compact dimensions, it can be installed even in small rooms. Device is equipped with SCARA arm, by means of which it collects the packaging from separate container. Then it verifies theirs placement on the conveyor and after that the arm with vacuum gripper carries and places the components in pucks or on the conveyor belt of machine located nearby. Vacuum grabbing system is more delicate than the mechanical one and because of that it does not damage the packaging. Machine can serve many types of components (including the bottles and jars, cylindrical and conical ones). Due to illumination in visual system, not only the shapes are being distinguished (also non-symmetrical ones), but also the colours and transparent packages are differentiated.
- compact dimensions: 2,2 m x 1,4 m x 2,3 m
- simple tooling change over, which takes approx. 3 minutes and does not require using any additional tools
- operation on packaging with various sizes (from 100 to 1000 ml)
- design with acid resistant stainless steel, safety glass and plastics not susceptible to breakdowns shields assuring safety
- prepared to work with application PackOS
- cheap and easily available format parts made in 3D printing technology (more information about this method can be found here)
- output capacity approx. 40 pcs./min. (2 400 psc./h)